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Support the Anthropology Book Forum

The Anthropology Book Forum is run entirely on volunteer labor, and we do not charge fees for publishing or for accessing content. Over the last few years, our community and our ambition to support it are growing faster than what we can accommodate through volunteering. If you enjoy the work the ABF does, consider donating. All donations will go directly to the ABF in support of our existing programs and the development of new ones!

This year, the Anthropology Book Forum will begin re-publishing the Anthropology Review Database  (1990-2015), bringing back online around 3,000 reviews of previous titles relevant to anthropological audiences. This addition will make the Anthropology Book Forum the largest database of anthropology book reviews in the world. Once hosted, they will be open access and freely available to all. 

The Anthropology Review Database was a project conceived to streamline the publication of book reviews and discussions of relevant anthropological literature. It was a resource for anthropologists to keep abreast of and evaluate the rapidly expanding body of literature in anthropology and its cognate disciplines, and it also served the larger public in accessing and engaging with anthropological ideas. Sadly, despite the immense service it provided the discipline, the Anthropology Review Database lost funding and was taken permanently offline several years ago. 

Your support will enable us to prioritize this project that would otherwise take years to complete

Additionally, your support: 

  • Ensures that we can pursue important activities that may not produce revenue, but which matter for our discipline.
  • Helps the ABF provide diverse and accessible formats of anthropological knowledge entirely open access and free of charge. 
  • Helps advance the Forum’s growth as a resource for academics, students, and the broader public.
  • Ensures that diverse voices can find an accessible outlet for sharing ideas and critique.

About us


The Anthropology Book Forum publishes reviews of both books and films of relevance and interest to a general anthropological audience, including sociocultural, biological and linguistic anthropology as well as archaeology and cognate disciplines. More recently, the Forum has expanded the genre of the standard book review to include different forms of conversations aimed at evaluating and discussing newly published work of interest to the anthropological community.


The Anthropology Book Forum was founded by the American Anthropological Association as an experimental prototype in digital publishing aimed at accelerating the scholarly book review process within anthropology through the implementation of a totally digital workflow.